


Translation of Sporting books...

Non fiction, Fiction, Novels or Novellas from English into French

On the pictures below you will see the (beautiful) French covers of the two major sporting books written my friend Jim Fergus published in America in the 90's by St Martin's Press, NY, under the titles, "A Hunter's Road" & "The Sporting Road". The French version  published by the prestigious CHERCHE MIDI EDITEUR is more recent, 2011 & 2013. It has been a immense pride for me to get wonderful reviews from the sporting press and the national press alike... The sales have been very satisfactory (for a hunting book), proving that it touched a much broader public than the hunters only. I loved the experience (Thanks again Jim!) and I would be love to try again... So, if you know any writer hoping to be published in France, why not contacting me as a start...

Translations of : "A Hunter's road" (left) & "The Sporting Road (right)
Le Cherche Midi Editeur, Paris, 2011 & 2013

Mon Amérique has received the prestigious Prix François Sommer 2013, of the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, en l'hôtel Guénégaud in Paris. It is the highest award for a hunting book in France.


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